2 min read

hi~ 你好,我是李剑飞,目前在新加坡工作和生活。
- Email : me@lijianfei.com
- appstore.lijianfei.com
- Built with Swift. Direct ChatX on the App Store
- Built with Objective-C. iHighSleep on the App Store
- Built with SwiftUI. Share My Note on the App Store
- Built with SwiftUI. AppSize on the App Store
- Built with Cursor and SwiftUI. CamLiveEmoji on the Mac App Store
- Daraz Hackathon 2023 - Winning Team
- Built with SwiftUI. Daraz Hackathon Demo Video(The person presenting the demo in the video is me! 😂).
- Built with SwiftUI. Daraz Hackathon Demo Video(The person presenting the demo in the video is me! 😂).
- iOS 程序员的自我修养 — 读《程序员的自我修养-链接、装载与库》 - 简书
- iOS A/B Test 方案探索 - 简书
- iOS HTTP/2 Server Push 探索 - 简书
- ABCBinding–简化Cocos和Native交互利器(iOS篇) - Creator 2.x - Cocos中文社区
- 论坛上之前的图片有丢失,完整内容:ABCBinding--简化Cocos和Native交互利器(iOS篇) | lijianfei.com
- (参与编写 iOS 部分)TinyCocosFix -- Cocos热更新的非官方解决方案 | OEDx | 腾讯在线教育部技术博客